Friday, November 30, 2007


Please mark your calendars, on January 16, Trinity will visit Wycliffe College for a
forum with the Primate, the Rt. Rev. Fred Hiltz.

The forum will start at 3 p.m. followed by tea. Eucharist will be at 4:45 in the Chapel
at Wycliffe.

The topic of the forum has not been announced but I will let you know as soon as possible.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


The last day of classes is Monday December 10 and after the 5:15 Eucharist (presided by
our Aaron Orear) we will have our last Divinity Community Meal until the new year. The
meal will be in the Combination room

You are invited to attend and bring snacking food (chips, pretzels, etc) and BYOB. Plan
to stay for an evening of conversation and good cheer.

TRP2202HF - Spiritual Formation in the Anglican Tradition and TRP1613HF - Identity
Church and Society will be cancelled.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


On Wednesday, December 5th, the second year PPOL class on Boundaries is CANCELLED and the
third year PPOL class on Catechesis will start at 7.30 pm.


Trinity College's annual Christmas Dinner will be held on Wed., Dec. 5. As those who
have attended in years past know, this is a very popular event for the whole college.
Unfortunately, the two dining halls at St. Hilda's and Trinity are not large enough to
accommodate all students, faculty, and administrators.

This year, to help ease the crush in Strachan Hall the members of the Senior Common Room
will be dining in the Combination Room. The SCR is pleased to be able to invite up to
30 divinity students (not including those who are already SCR members) to join us for
Christmas Dinner, which will include wine and Christmas Carols. There will not be a
designated Divinity Table in Strachan Hall on Dec. 5.

If you would like to reserve a seat for Christmas Dinner on Wed., Dec. 5 with members of
the Senior Common Room, please email Matthew Cadwell by 11:00 a.m. on Tues., Dec. 4:

Thursday, November 22, 2007


The new chapel team lists are here!!! Please have a look at them and let Rachel know if you can not be on a team or if you need you change teams. This would greatly help the "no shows" for services.  Team A will meet on December 5th for the first week back in January 2008.  Students must be on a team for at least 5 semesters!!!!  If you can't open yours in your email one has been posted on this site!!!!

Out of the Cold Toronto Update

As it is written,‘He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever.’" (2 Cor. 9:9)

Out of the Cold needs your help to feed Toronto's homeless people. Five hot meals, at a total cost of approximately $1000, are to be be provided by Trinity Divinity's Out of the Cold team between December and April. We currently have no budget.

Please write your cheques to the Trinity Chapel and charitable receipts will be provided. For more information, please contact:

Alison Falby ~ alison.falby at

Friday, November 9, 2007

House Mass on Monday

Our Next Community Liturgy,

Monday, November 12th,

will be a House Mass, informed by Justin Martyr and The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus.

Please bring, as you are able,

- a small bottle (2 oz. to 4 oz.) of red or white wine

- a small bread roll of your choice, wrapped in plain paper

- a small amount of money for the collection, the proceeds of which will
be given to the St. Stephen’s Parish breakfast program

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Newman Prayer Series

Do you desire to:

* strengthen your relationship with God and with one another?
* learn different kinds of prayers?
* experience fellowship and prayer support?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, join us on Wednesday nights as we seek to learn, share and pray together!

When: Wednesday Evenings (7:00 PM to 8:30 PM)

Where: Newman Centre
(89 St. George Street - St. George and Hoskin, 1 traffic light south of St. George and Bloor)

Prayer for Nov. 14th: CENTERING PRAYER at the Newman Centre Chapel

If you have any questions, please contact Vivian Kwok at
vivian.kwok at

Volunteers Needed

During the month of November, St. Thomas Church on Huron Street needs
volunteers for its Friday night dinners for the homeless.

Food preparation begins at 2:30 pm, and diners begin to arrive at 5:00 pm.
Show up at the parish hall any time you are able.

For further info contact:

maggie.helwig at

Free Lecture


Speaker: Professor C. Peter Slater
Professor Emeritus, and Former Dean of Divinity
Trinity College, University of Toronto

Time: Friday, November 9, 2007
7:30 pm –10:00 pm

Place: Combination Room
Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue
(St. George Campus)
University of Toronto

Inquiries: Professor Abrahim H. Khan
Trinity College
Tel. 416 978-3039 (O), 416 978-2133(off. asst)
E-mail:khanah at

C..Peter R.L.Slater (BA, McGill; PhD, Harvard) recent research work has for one of its foci Tillich and Bakhtin with respect to Dialectical or Dialogical Comparative Theology. His wider academic area and publications is 19th Century religious thought and philosophy of religion.

Monday, November 5, 2007

U of T Remembrance Day Service

The annual Service of Remembrance at Solders' Tower is this Friday, November 9th.

The time details are as follows:

10:10 am Carillon prelude
10:30 am Service of Remembrance
11:00 am Postlude and Reception in Great Hall of Hart House

students will be gathering for procession in the Trinity Quad at 10:00 am.

Divinity students are encouraged to attend, as many of our faculty participated in active service in the Canadian military during both world wars and other conflicts, too many giving their lives in the process.

2nd Year Intership Workshop Update

Due to scheduling conflicts for many students, the internship covenant workshop for those going on full-time internship has been moved from:

Saturday, November 10 to Sunday, November 25 at 4:00-6:00 p.m.

We will be meeting in the Divinity Common Room. Refreshments will be served.

Please confirm with Matthew Cadwell that you will be attending:

matthew.cadwell at

We look forward to seeing you on November 25.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trinity Alumni Forum

Trinity Divinity Students’ & Trinity Divinity Associates’ Forum

Beyond the Walls: Making a Mark in Our Community

The Rev. Stephen Hendry
St. James Anglican Church
Paris, Ontario
The Rev. Andrew Asbil
Church of the Redeemer

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

3:30 p.m.: Forum, Combination Room
4:30 p.m.: Tea & Cookies, Divinity Common Room
5:15 p.m.: Choral Evensong, Chapel

Sponsored by Trinity Divinity Associates and the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

New Vestments for Chapel


We have new vestments (hopefully more to come!)

There are six new cassocks and six new surplices, six new cassocks/albs. They are all different sizes, hopefully the six cassocks/albs will fit the various members of a team for the Community Eucharist when there are at least five students in the sanctuary. If the sizing does not work for your team, use the old albs so that everyone is dressed the same.

I will order more cassocks/albs in the new year. In the meantime it's great to be ridding ourselves of the old "Trinity Albs".

We won't be using them immediately which is a good thing because I forgot the cinctures (they are ordered).

I'm so excited!!


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

International Anglican Women's Network

The Anglican Consultative Council has a number of networks one of which is the International Anglican Women's Network. It operates on three levels, one with a Steering Group from 8 geographic areas, another with one Link woman from each of the 38 ecclesiastical provinces appointed by her Primate, and a few units operating nationally to support this work. In
Canada we have all three which is very unique. Canon Alice Medcof serves on the Steering Group, Elizabeth Loweth is the appointed Link for Canada and also serves as the coordinator for the unit operating here.

The focal points for the IAWN-Canada include the Millennium Development Goals, the UN Commission on the Status of Women, and the Anglican Consultative Council resolution 13/31 seeking gender equality in policy making within the Anglican Communion.

The annual meeting for the IAWN-Canada will be held Monday, Nov. 5, at the national office 80 Hayden St. in the board room from 11 to 1. It should be a great opportunity for students and faculty to hear about the work of this network and to talk with some of the bishops and national staff who will meet with us.

No registration is needed, but it would help to know how many are coming so we can plan refreshments. Please come and if you are able to phone ahead of time, call:

Laura Wilson - 416 487 0250
Elizabeth Loweth - 905 883 8197

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

PPOL Update for All Years

Please note that PPOL for 1st year on Wednesday October 31 will be in
room LA 212.

Second year PPOL will be in room LA 214

and third year PPOL will be in LA 340.

Niagra Synod Volunteer Request

Rachel is looking for students to staff our display table at the Niagara Synod on Friday November 16 and Saturday morning November 17.

Please let me know if you are available and at what time of the day (i.e. Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 10 a.m. to noon or Saturday from 10 to 12). The Synod planning team is hoping that all the display will be available between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday. The display has to be dismantled before noon on Saturday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PPOL Update for 1st Years

Please note that the next PPOL session for 1st year students on October 31, 2007 will be held in room 212, not 213 as indicated on the schedule.

Lecture on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations

The Dominican Order of Canada
The University of St. Michael's College, Toronto
The Dominicans of Toronto

invite you to a public lecture entitled:

'A Short-Lived Cold' or 'A Serious and Long-lasting Chill':
The Future of Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations

The Right Reverend John Hind
Bishop of Chichester, UK

Date and Location:
Friday, October 19, 2007 at 7:30pm (Doors open at 7:00pm)
St. Michael's Theatre/ Alumni Hall Rm. 100
University of St. Michael's College
121 St. Joseph Street, Toronto

Admission is Free. Everyone is welcome.

For more information:

Election Results and More!

The Class has spoken! Here are your representatives for the 2007-2008 school year. Elections were held on Wednesday October 10th – many thanks to all who attended and sent in their proxy votes – here are the results!

Class Secretary - Jackie Foote
Class Treasurer - Liz Mckendry
Retreat Coordinator - Anne Privett
Senate Representative - Alison Falby
Divinity Council
Matthew Griffin (BD Student)
Alain Brosseau (BD Student)
David Walls (AD Student)
Worship Committee - Maggie Helwig
On-line Representaive - Jackie Foote
Corporation Representatives
1st year- Brenda Stewart
2nd year- Nico Montalbetti
3rd year- Nancy Rowe
Member at large- Lucinda Landau
Part Time- Laurie Yates
DCR coordinator - Jackie Foote
Salterrae Representative - Brenda Stewart
Yearbook representative - Jason Pollick

*The following were deferred - please advise if you were interested in these but were unable to attend elections.

*TST Council Representative – deferred
Advanced Degree TST Representative - deferred
Clothing Representative - deferred
Social Event Coordinator - deferred*
*Advanced Degree representative to Corporation - deferred*

The class also affirmed the following:
motion to strike a committee to help the heads to fill those deferred positions with able class members until ratified at future class meeting. Motion made by Matthew Griffin, seconded by Jason Pollick, carried unanimously.
THE RUMOURS ARE TRUE! We have arranged for a journey back to the year 1587
and as we gather for a showing of Elizabeth: the Golden age at the VIP room
at the Varsity theater on Thursday October 18th at 6:55pm. If you have
never been to the VIP room, it is a great place to watch movies! Leather
chair with tables between for your drink or snacks and oodles of leg room.
Please e-mail Kristen to book your place - family most welcome! Cost:
$14.95 each

Synopsis teaser from their website
"Elizabeth: The Golden Age finds Queen Elizabeth I (Cate Blanchett) facing
bloodlust for her throne and familial betrayal. Growing keenly aware of the
changing religious and political tides of the late 16th century Europe,
Elizabeth finds her rule openly challenged by the Spanish King Philip II
with his powerful army and sea-dominating armada determined to restore
England to Catholicism."
For those members to Corporation, the fall meeting will be held on Thursday October 25th in the George Ignatieff Theatre with a reception in the Buttery beginning at 12 noon.
The Friends of the Library are holding their 32nd annual Book Sale from Friday October 19th to Tuesday October 23rd. The first day has a $5 admission, but the rest of the days are free admission!

We wish you all a safe, restful, and rejuvenating time during reading week next week... and maybe even give you time to finish all that reading!

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in
~ Mohandas K.Gandhi

Anglican Communion Chat at St. Thomas's Church

Archdeacon Paul Feheley, principal secretary to the Primate, will share some of
his experiences and his insights on the state of the Anglican Communion this Saturday,
October 20th, at St Thomas's Church, 383 Huron Street, Toronto.

Eucharist: 10 am (Lady Chapel)

Coffee, Tea, and Conversation: 10:30 am to 12:00 p.m. (Parish House)

Reading The Scriptures In Church

A Workshop for everyone who reads the Scriptures or leads the Prayers of the People


111 Manor Road East, Toronto

Saturday, October 20th, 2007, 10:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M.

Conducted by the Rev’d Canon Michael Burgess

Father Michael Burgess is a former professional actor, director and teacher, and has previously offered this enjoyable and non-threatening workshop in several parishes in Toronto, as well as at Deanery and Area Days. It is designed to help readers and Intercession leaders sharpen their existing skills, but will also be helpful to those who need to be convinced that they have the necessary gifts for this important ministry.

To register for this FREE Workshop, please call The Church of the Transfiguration (416-489-7798) no later than Thursday, October 18th.

Chapel Meeting Today!

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Chapel is today

Wednesday October 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the PDR.

The meeting will last about one hour and Dana would really appreciate it
if you could attend (if you don't have class).

Refreshments will be served.

Trin Divs and Music lovers!

Here is your chance to see Trinity’s own (former co-head of Divinity) Marion Thompson in action with her a capella group…

The Marion Singers

On Saturday October 20th – 7:30 p.m. at St. John the Baptist, Norway 470 Woodbine Road (Kingston Road and Woodbine). there is free parking and for the TTC – take the #92 bus south from Woodbine station.

Adults $20, Students and Seniors $10, Children 10 and under FREE

Proceeds to FaithWorks and the St. John’s Repair and Restoration fund.

Bursaries Available

The Toronto Branch of the Prayer Book Society of Canada is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of bursaries of up to $1000, for Anglican students engaged in religious studies who value the Book of Common Prayer, use it in their daily prayer life, and wish to support its continuing use in the Anglican Church of Canada. Students in the ordination stream are particularly encouraged to apply.

Students wishing to be considered for one of these bursaries should submit a copy of their curriculum vitae and the names, addresses and phone numbers of two references, together with a covering letter explaining their interest in this bursary and in the Book of Common Prayer, to:

Dr. Diana Verseghy
PBSC Bursaries Committee
12 Sherbourne
Drive, Maple, ON
L6A 1G8

The deadline for applications is Friday, November 2. Candidates will be interviewed by a selection committee in late November, and awards will be made in mid-December.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Out of the Cold

Hey, all you good Trinitarians out there! Trinity's Out of the Cold team is seeking volunteers. You can help by contributing food and/or time.

Our team is currently scheduled to host hot meals for the homeless on the following Friday evenings: Dec. 7th, Jan. 4th, Feb. 1st, Mar. 7th, and Apr. 4th.

Please contact Alison Falby for further info: alison.falby @

Thursday, October 11, 2007

World Council of Churches Essay Contest


Students of theology and young theologians are being invited by the World Council of Churches (WCC) to bring new perspectives and contributions to the debate about the future of the ecumenical movement by participating in an essay competition to mark the Council's 60th anniversary.
Participants in the contest, both clergy and lay persons, are invited to address the theme “Making a Difference Together – Prospects for Ecumenism in the 21st Century”. The WCC expects to receive a significant number of quality essays reflecting on the theme from different church traditions, contexts and perspectives. The best six essays will be presented by their authors at an international consultation on the same theme to be held in Bossey, Switzerland, in late 2008. Other selected essays will be published by the WCC.

“There can be nothing better than fresh eyes when it comes to looking to the future,” says WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, commenting on the contest. “We hope young theologians and theology students from all over the world will grab this opportunity to bring some new, challenging perspectives to the attention of leading figures within the ecumenical movement,” he adds.

Essays should be written in English. However, they will be judged for the quality of their contribution and not their English language proficiency. With a length of between 5000 and 6000 words, the essays should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. More details and a number of resource documents are available on the WCC website. The deadline is 28 February 2008.

The contest is part of the programme to commemorate the Council’s 60th anniversary in 2008. It will include a celebration at the 13-20 February 2008 meeting of the WCC central committee and the promotion of local celebrations through visits to member churches. Resources for common prayer, Bible study and celebration will be made available to congregations and groups on the WCC website in early 2008.

Formally inaugurated in Amsterdam in 1948, the World Council of Churches has been the churches’ primary instrument to promote the search for Christian unity and to foster common witness and service for sixty years. The Council enters the year of its 60th anniversary with a membership of 347 churches in more than 110 countries and territories. It represents some 560 million Christians.

More information (in English):

Monday, October 8, 2007

First Year PPOL Notice

The PPOL class on 10 October will be on the Prayers of the People. You will need a copy of the BAS. Please do not come without it.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Trinity College Family Events

Two events for Trinity College alumni and students with children on

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Children eight years old and up are invited with their parents,
grandparents and friends to hear four Canadian authors read from their
new books, followed by brunch. Books will be available for purchase and
signing at Brunch.

Deirdre Baker - Becca at Sea
Jean Little - Dancing Through the Snow
Kenneth Oppel - Darkwing
Kit Pearson - Perfect Gentle Knight

Times: 10:30 a.m.: Authors read in the George Ignatieff Theatre
12 p.m.: Brunch in the Buttery
Gerald Larkin Building, 15 Devonshire Place

$10 for adults, and $5 for children up to 13 years-old.


Enjoy crafts, refreshments and treats at our annual Hallowe’en party for
children and friends.

Discover the world of reptiles with our special guests from Reptilia
presenting a safe interactive program suitable for all ages.

Don’t forget to wear your costume!

Time: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Seeley Hall, 6 Hoskin Ave.

$5 per person

To register for either of these events please call Julia Paris at (416)
978-2707, FAX (416) 971-3193
or email:

Friday, September 28, 2007

Co-heads Weekly Update - Elections Issue!

Greetings fellow students!

Our very first Divinity class forum will be held on Wed October 3rd at 3:30 where we will be joined by John Clinton. John is a Christian Lay worker with 26 years experience in community based corrections. Through his work and program development at The St. Leonard's Society of Hamilton, John has gained insight into effective program design and implementations strategies, the "what works" in community based corrections. The discussion will be followed by the usual tea and cookies before evensong. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Attention amateur models! We will be taking pictures of this year's clothing in our exclusive TrinDivWear line soon, and now is your chance to live the dream and become a fashion model! No experience necessary! Please let either Kristen or Jonathan know if this is something that would interest you, and start your journey to fame and celebrity!

Fall 2007 Elections will be held at 3:30pm in the DCR on Wednesday, October 10th. Attached please find a list of all positions up for election. There is a new position this year, Divinity Online Representative, which reflects the growing importance we have with electronic communication and resources.

Also, for those of you on Facebook, there is a Trinity Divinity group where we discuss many issues that affect us. Make sure you are a member of the University of Toronto network and then please join in!

Nominations for all positions will open until October 5th. Please send your nominations via email or written to Rachel in the Divinity office. The list of candidates will be posted on the Divinity Class Notice Board upon the closure of nominations and will be sent via e-mail to all students. Proxy votes will be accepted leading up to the election through the Co-heads of

Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions regarding these matters or anything else Divinity class related!

Your Devoted Co-heads
Kristen & Jonathan

"The one thing we can all agree, all faiths and ideologies, is that God is with the vulnerable and poor. God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house... God is in the silence of a mother who has infected her child with a virus that will end both their lives... God is in the cries heard under the rubble of war... God is in the debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and God is with us if we are with them."~Bono

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's Girl Guide Cookie Time

Once again Girl Guide Chocolate Mint cookies will be available to the
Divinity Community.

You can buy your cookies on Monday, October 1st at noon in the DCR.

Facebook Trin Divs

For those of you on Facebook, there is a Trinity Divinity group where
we discuss many issues that affect us. Make sure you are a member of the
University of Toronto network and then please join in!

Class Elections

Fall 2007 Elections will be held at 3:30pm in the DCR on Wednesday, October 10th. All positions up for election. There is a new position this year, Divinity Online Representative, which reflects the growing importance we have with electronic communication and resources.

Nominations for all positions will open until October 5th. Please send your nominations via email or written to Rachel in the Divinity office. The list of candidates will be posted on the Divinity Class Notice Board upon the closure of nominations and will be sent via e-mail to all students. Proxy votes will be accepted leading up to the election through the Co-heads of

TrinDivWear Update

Attention amateur models! We will be taking pictures of this year's clothing in our exclusive TrinDivWear line soon, and now is your chance to live the dream and become a fashion model! No experience necessary! Please let either Kristen or Jonathan know if this is something that would interest you, and start your journey to fame and celebrity!

First Forum

Our very first Divinity class forum will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd at 3:30 pm where we will be joined by John Clinton. John is a Christian Lay worker with 26 years experience in community based corrections. Through his work and program development at The St. Leonard's Society of Hamilton, John has gained insight into effective program design and implementations strategies, the "what works" in community based corrections. The discussion will be followed by the usual tea and cookies before evensong. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Linens Workshop

For all those who have been clamoring for another Linen workshop your cries have been heard!!!

Liz will be hosting a repeat of the Linen workshop for all those who missed it last time or wish to attend for any reason.

Wednesday, October 3rd at 4pm in the Lady Chapel.

See you there!


This is the new blog for the Divinity class of Trinity College, Toronto. You will be able to fine resources, announcements and other bits of information to help you in your studies and formation!