Friday, November 30, 2007


Please mark your calendars, on January 16, Trinity will visit Wycliffe College for a
forum with the Primate, the Rt. Rev. Fred Hiltz.

The forum will start at 3 p.m. followed by tea. Eucharist will be at 4:45 in the Chapel
at Wycliffe.

The topic of the forum has not been announced but I will let you know as soon as possible.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


The last day of classes is Monday December 10 and after the 5:15 Eucharist (presided by
our Aaron Orear) we will have our last Divinity Community Meal until the new year. The
meal will be in the Combination room

You are invited to attend and bring snacking food (chips, pretzels, etc) and BYOB. Plan
to stay for an evening of conversation and good cheer.

TRP2202HF - Spiritual Formation in the Anglican Tradition and TRP1613HF - Identity
Church and Society will be cancelled.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


On Wednesday, December 5th, the second year PPOL class on Boundaries is CANCELLED and the
third year PPOL class on Catechesis will start at 7.30 pm.


Trinity College's annual Christmas Dinner will be held on Wed., Dec. 5. As those who
have attended in years past know, this is a very popular event for the whole college.
Unfortunately, the two dining halls at St. Hilda's and Trinity are not large enough to
accommodate all students, faculty, and administrators.

This year, to help ease the crush in Strachan Hall the members of the Senior Common Room
will be dining in the Combination Room. The SCR is pleased to be able to invite up to
30 divinity students (not including those who are already SCR members) to join us for
Christmas Dinner, which will include wine and Christmas Carols. There will not be a
designated Divinity Table in Strachan Hall on Dec. 5.

If you would like to reserve a seat for Christmas Dinner on Wed., Dec. 5 with members of
the Senior Common Room, please email Matthew Cadwell by 11:00 a.m. on Tues., Dec. 4:

Thursday, November 22, 2007


The new chapel team lists are here!!! Please have a look at them and let Rachel know if you can not be on a team or if you need you change teams. This would greatly help the "no shows" for services.  Team A will meet on December 5th for the first week back in January 2008.  Students must be on a team for at least 5 semesters!!!!  If you can't open yours in your email one has been posted on this site!!!!

Out of the Cold Toronto Update

As it is written,‘He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever.’" (2 Cor. 9:9)

Out of the Cold needs your help to feed Toronto's homeless people. Five hot meals, at a total cost of approximately $1000, are to be be provided by Trinity Divinity's Out of the Cold team between December and April. We currently have no budget.

Please write your cheques to the Trinity Chapel and charitable receipts will be provided. For more information, please contact:

Alison Falby ~ alison.falby at

Friday, November 9, 2007

House Mass on Monday

Our Next Community Liturgy,

Monday, November 12th,

will be a House Mass, informed by Justin Martyr and The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus.

Please bring, as you are able,

- a small bottle (2 oz. to 4 oz.) of red or white wine

- a small bread roll of your choice, wrapped in plain paper

- a small amount of money for the collection, the proceeds of which will
be given to the St. Stephen’s Parish breakfast program

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Newman Prayer Series

Do you desire to:

* strengthen your relationship with God and with one another?
* learn different kinds of prayers?
* experience fellowship and prayer support?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, join us on Wednesday nights as we seek to learn, share and pray together!

When: Wednesday Evenings (7:00 PM to 8:30 PM)

Where: Newman Centre
(89 St. George Street - St. George and Hoskin, 1 traffic light south of St. George and Bloor)

Prayer for Nov. 14th: CENTERING PRAYER at the Newman Centre Chapel

If you have any questions, please contact Vivian Kwok at
vivian.kwok at

Volunteers Needed

During the month of November, St. Thomas Church on Huron Street needs
volunteers for its Friday night dinners for the homeless.

Food preparation begins at 2:30 pm, and diners begin to arrive at 5:00 pm.
Show up at the parish hall any time you are able.

For further info contact:

maggie.helwig at

Free Lecture


Speaker: Professor C. Peter Slater
Professor Emeritus, and Former Dean of Divinity
Trinity College, University of Toronto

Time: Friday, November 9, 2007
7:30 pm –10:00 pm

Place: Combination Room
Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue
(St. George Campus)
University of Toronto

Inquiries: Professor Abrahim H. Khan
Trinity College
Tel. 416 978-3039 (O), 416 978-2133(off. asst)
E-mail:khanah at

C..Peter R.L.Slater (BA, McGill; PhD, Harvard) recent research work has for one of its foci Tillich and Bakhtin with respect to Dialectical or Dialogical Comparative Theology. His wider academic area and publications is 19th Century religious thought and philosophy of religion.

Monday, November 5, 2007

U of T Remembrance Day Service

The annual Service of Remembrance at Solders' Tower is this Friday, November 9th.

The time details are as follows:

10:10 am Carillon prelude
10:30 am Service of Remembrance
11:00 am Postlude and Reception in Great Hall of Hart House

students will be gathering for procession in the Trinity Quad at 10:00 am.

Divinity students are encouraged to attend, as many of our faculty participated in active service in the Canadian military during both world wars and other conflicts, too many giving their lives in the process.

2nd Year Intership Workshop Update

Due to scheduling conflicts for many students, the internship covenant workshop for those going on full-time internship has been moved from:

Saturday, November 10 to Sunday, November 25 at 4:00-6:00 p.m.

We will be meeting in the Divinity Common Room. Refreshments will be served.

Please confirm with Matthew Cadwell that you will be attending:

matthew.cadwell at

We look forward to seeing you on November 25.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trinity Alumni Forum

Trinity Divinity Students’ & Trinity Divinity Associates’ Forum

Beyond the Walls: Making a Mark in Our Community

The Rev. Stephen Hendry
St. James Anglican Church
Paris, Ontario
The Rev. Andrew Asbil
Church of the Redeemer

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

3:30 p.m.: Forum, Combination Room
4:30 p.m.: Tea & Cookies, Divinity Common Room
5:15 p.m.: Choral Evensong, Chapel

Sponsored by Trinity Divinity Associates and the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

New Vestments for Chapel


We have new vestments (hopefully more to come!)

There are six new cassocks and six new surplices, six new cassocks/albs. They are all different sizes, hopefully the six cassocks/albs will fit the various members of a team for the Community Eucharist when there are at least five students in the sanctuary. If the sizing does not work for your team, use the old albs so that everyone is dressed the same.

I will order more cassocks/albs in the new year. In the meantime it's great to be ridding ourselves of the old "Trinity Albs".

We won't be using them immediately which is a good thing because I forgot the cinctures (they are ordered).

I'm so excited!!
