Tuesday, March 4, 2008


North American Academy of Ecumenists Announces
The 2008 Essay Contest
Ecumenical Ecclesiology:
One Church of Christ for the Sake of the World

June 15, 2008 DEADLINE

The winning essay writer will receive an award of $250,

will attend the 2008 conference of the NAAE in St. Louis, MO,

and may be invited to present a précis of the essay.

Resources for writing the essay may be found at the following web pages:

a.. http://www.naae.net/

a.. http://www.ecumenism.net/

a.. http://www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/documents/wcc-commissions/faith-an

The essayists are also encouraged to look at the sites and journal articles
of those who caution for a different understanding of the unity of the church and who are
suspect of the WCC and related bodies' efforts.

Send the essay before June 15, 2008,

with a brief biographical sketch of the author, to:

The Rev. Debra Jene Collum, NAAE Essay Contest Coordinator,

Luther Seminary, 2481 Como Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108,

or as an attachment to dcollum001@luthersem.edu.

For more a more complete description of the essay requirements visit:


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